Engineered to transform YOU

World’s First Smart Yoga Mat

Global Recognitions

YogiFi Smart Mat

Take your yoga to the next level with this innovative mat equipped with AI & built-in sensors that track your movements, providing real-time feedback and guidance on your alignment and balance. It’s more than just a mat – It’s your personal yoga studio and a coach.

Curated Classes & Therapy programs
Step-By-Step Guidance
Real-time Audio-Visual Feedback
Track Your Wellness Progress
Compatible With Apple Watch
Practice Indoors & Outdoors

₹ 14,999

One app to practice anytime, anywhere

One app to practice anytime, anywhere

Access curated yoga, meditation and breathing sessions designed by expert trainers, and practice at your convenience across a variety of devices.
Samsung TV
Apple watch

YogiFi Smart Mat & Smart Ring

Double up for
double the results

Two is always better than one…

YogiFi on Samsung TV

YogiFi on Samsung TV

YogiFi App now available exclusively on Samsung TVs. YogiFi & Samsung Unite to offer world’s first immersive yoga experience that’s truly ahead of its time, through seamless integration between a smart mat and a television

Discover the Samsung TV experience

Don’t just take our word for it

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“This mat has been a life saver. I have fibromyalgia, both knees replaced, and covid. I wanted and needed to do yoga but wanted to do it right. The mat and its guidance has been a life game changer for me”
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“YogiFi is one of the best things that has happened to me! I work long days sitting at a desk for over 8 hours in the same position. Thanks to YogiFi, I am able to stretch and move my body at the end of the day. After using YogiFi for a year, my body feels younger and healthier. YogiFi has literally saved my life”
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“Daily yoga fell by wayside when covid struck. The YogiFi challenge has been a great boon. It got me to fire up my mat and incorporate a very attainable 15-20 minutes yoga per day. I love that YogiFi mat fits easily into my schedule. I even take it camping and use my phone’s hotspot to practice in the shade next to our tent. The YogiFi mat and the challenge are both fabulous!”
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“I have been interested in yoga for years but was always skeptical of it. I ordered YogiFi mat to start doing yoga and wanted to make sure I was doing poses correctly. I am very thankful to YogiFi for the truly innovative mat. I has certainly aided in being able to get into those positions ”
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